Media Planning
Welcome to our resource for Ad Council’s trusted media partners to explore and access our latest and upcoming PSAs. Below you’ll find the newest campaigns and creative launches to reach segmented audiences, along with a guide for key moments to run these important messages throughout January, February and March. With the support of partners like you, these PSAs reach millions of Americans and help them live safer, healthier and happier lives.
See other seasonal campaigns in Q1
New Creative Coming Soon - End Family Fire

Gun Safety
The risk of firearm-related injuries or fatalities is markedly higher for those with access to a gun in the household. Run new PSAs encouraging gun owners to limit access to guns in the home by storing them locked, unloaded, and away from ammunition to prevent family fire.
The risk of firearm-related injuries or fatalities is markedly higher for those with access to a gun in the household. Run new PSAs encouraging gun owners to limit access to guns in the home by storing them locked, unloaded, and away from ammunition to prevent family fire.
Who to Target:
Gun owners ages 18+
Late March 2023
English TV, Out of Home, Online Video
Gun owners ages 18+
Late March 2023
English TV, Out of Home, Online Video
Resolutions: Lung Cancer Screening

Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of men & women. Lung cancer screening through a low-dose CT scan can save lives. Screening is key to diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage, when it is more likely to be curable.
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of men & women. Lung cancer screening through a low-dose CT scan can save lives. Screening is key to diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage, when it is more likely to be curable.
Who to Target: High-risk individuals who are former smokers and:
- Are within the age range of 50-80
- Have at least 20 “pack years” (which equates to 1 pack a day for 20 years, 2 packs for 10 years, or any combination of years and packs that equals 20)
- Have smoked within the last 15 years
Availability: Previous assets now available.
- Are within the age range of 50-80
- Have at least 20 “pack years” (which equates to 1 pack a day for 20 years, 2 packs for 10 years, or any combination of years and packs that equals 20)
- Have smoked within the last 15 years
Availability: Previous assets now available.
New Distribution: Buzzed Driving Prevention

Buzzed Driving Prevention
Young men know not to drive drunk, but often overlook the dangers of driving "buzzed." A new broadcast PSA reminds viewers to plan ahead, catch a sober ride, and that buzzed driving is drunk driving.
Young men know not to drive drunk, but often overlook the dangers of driving "buzzed." A new broadcast PSA reminds viewers to plan ahead, catch a sober ride, and that buzzed driving is drunk driving.
Who to Target: Young men, ages 21-34
Availability: Distribution in February 2023
English TV, Radio, OOH, Print, Digital, Social
Spanish TV & Digital
Availability: Distribution in February 2023
English TV, Radio, OOH, Print, Digital, Social
Spanish TV & Digital
Q1 Seasonal Calendar
Flu Season
Air PSAs to encourage Americans to get a flu shot this year. Flu season is October-April.
Winter Weather Preparedness
"Legacy” PSAs encourage Black communities to protect the lives they have built and the legacies they will leave behind through preparation and disaster readiness.
“Thread” PSAs show Black communities that emergency preparedness starts with a conversation and can be as easy as sending a text.
“Thread” PSAs show Black communities that emergency preparedness starts with a conversation and can be as easy as sending a text.
Flu Season
Air PSAs to encourage Americans to get a flu shot this year. Flu season is October-April.
Winter Weather Preparedness
"Legacy” PSAs encourage Black communities to protect the lives they have built and the legacies they will leave behind through preparation and disaster readiness.
“Thread” PSAs show Black communities that emergency preparedness starts with a conversation and can be as easy as sending a text.
“Thread” PSAs show Black communities that emergency preparedness starts with a conversation and can be as easy as sending a text.
March 22 - American Diabetes Alert Day
New influencer flight coming in Q1. Raise awareness of prediabetes and encourage people to know where they stand by taking a short online risk test at and speaking with their health care provider.
Flu Season
Air PSAs to encourage Americans to get a flu shot this year. Flu season is October-April.
Some Frequently Asked Questions (And Answers!)
- How does the Ad Council distribute PSAs?
- Through our emails, we distribute our TV, Radio, Magazine and Newspaper materials, all free and ready to run! We've also partnered with Extreme Reach to provide all Ad Council TV and Radio PSAs to Extreme Reach subscribers. Let us know at if you'd like to sign up for our emails!
- How do I download Banner/Online Video assets?
- To keep track of our digital placements, banner and online video assets must be "Requested", not "Downloaded." While you can preview our PSAs, requesting assets allows us to begin work on your 3rd party tags. Implementing these tags requires access to an ad network or server such as Doubleclick for Publishers. Our assets are only to be served within the United States. 2-3 assets are recommended per campaign. Typically, tagged assets are available within 24-48 business hours of the request. More than one campaign is recommended for publishers serving a large inventory. Remember to enter the URL where the asset will run and your organization into the request pop-up for the digital content you are requesting.
- How do I find the specific PSA I'm looking for?
- On the Find Assets page, you can search by keyword, select a media type, search by language, issue area, target audience, as well as release and expiration dates. Be sure to select your media type first to see other possible filtering options.
- Why do I need to register to download?
- We would like to provide you with a customized user experience. By logging on to the site, can store your preferences, maintain your Download Center, and provide you with a record of your site activity and user profile. You can still preview our PSAs without registering!
- Do PSAs have expiration dates?
- Yes! All Ad Council PSAs have an expiration date. After a PSA expires it must be removed from air and online. You can find this information listed next to each asset. Additionally, you can find a personalized expiration list in your account. Simply click your user icon at the top right, when logged in, then select My Activity. You will see expiration dates under the Downloaded and Requested tabs.
- What are the general terms of use for Ad Council PSAs?
- Please refer to our extended Terms of Use page for more detailed information. Basic terms state you may not modify/alter the PSAs in any way unless authorized; the PSAs may only be placed in donated media and not on any media that is purchased; the PSAs may not be placed on any piracy or other illegal sites or media outlets; they also may not be placed on pornographic sites. You may not use the PSA in any manner that would imply an association with any commercial enterprise. Use of the PSAs is only permitted through the applicable expiration period.
- How do I stay up to date on new Ad Council PSAs?
- When you sign up to access our PSAs, there’s a checkbox to sign up for our email updates. Additionally, contact to receive our printed materials. You can also regularly check our Find Assets section and search by release date to see what’s the most recent.
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