Jenny Beightol
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Champion for Good: Outcome Health's Jenny Beightol

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She believes in bringing your authentic self to work and the power of communications to effect change. Get to know our newest Champion for Good: Outcome Health's Senior Manager of Communications Jenny Beightol.

Q: How have you worked with the Ad Council? What campaign(s) have you supported and what was the project you worked on with us?

Jenny Beightol: Outcome Health has worked with the Ad Council for a few years now, but I supported the “Saved By The Scan” campaign with the American Lung Association’s LUNG FORCE initiative. Our in-house creative team, O/Studio, tailored the existing creative so that it would resonate with our audience (patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals) at the point of care.

Q: Social good ads pull at our heartstrings. What social good ad has made you cry or stand up and cheer?

JB: I love when an ad causes me to actually consider how its message affects me. The “Know Your Girls” campaign struck me because the message is so simple yet resonates with most young women; we know EVERYTHING about our best friends yet there’s so much we don’t know about our own bodies! In a time when women’s health is in headlines and the subject of legislation and policy, it is encouraging to see a message that addresses what an individual woman can do to own her health and decisions.

Q: How do you or your team integrate social good into your work, or how do you think your brand is making the world a better place?

JB: Outcome Health exists at the most emotional moment of one’s health journey: the point of care. Because of this, we have a responsibility to provide relevant content and information that everyone at the point of care can trust. We’ve built a platform that directly impacts patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals at their most critical and vulnerable moments. Therefore, it is so important that we partner with leading content creators, like the Ad Council, and health advocacy groups/nonprofits so that we can ensure their expert messages are reaching these audiences.

Q: What was the greatest piece of advice someone gave you, and how did it end up helping you?

JB: A former CEO encouraged me to put a piece of myself into everything that I write. His recommendation taught me to be authentic in the work that I do, the brands I build, and how I communicate with the world. “Authenticity” may be a buzzword, but it’s what consumers now expect. My favorite brands are the ones that are relatable and approachable - you can tell that there are living, breathing humans behind the brand rather than corporately controlled cogs in a wheel. I work hard to ensure that Outcome Health’s brand is approachable, trustworthy and authentic so that everyone who engages with us, whether they’re using our exam room tablet at their doctor’s office or scrolling through our latest tweets, feels like they’re connecting with someone they can trust.

Q: What age would you want to meet up with your former self, and what advice would you give to that younger you?

JB: Fifteen-year-old Jenny could use a pep talk from several-years-older-than-15 Jenny. I would tell myself to embrace the imperfect and that it’s okay to be vulnerable. I’d challenge myself to view the world from someone else’s perspective. And I’d remind myself to keep pursuing my passions and that being curious is a gift, so never stop learning and exploring.

Q: If you were giving a commencement speech to this year’s college graduates, what would you want them to know?

JB: Just be. Be present, be aware, be you. Let yourself evolve and embrace changes as they come. If you identify problems in your world or things you don’t agree with, pour your talent and passion into building solutions. And for everything, take your time; you have your entire life to figure out your entire life.

If you identify problems in your world, pour your talent and passion into building solutions.
Jenny Beightol

Q: How has your organization improved or innovated the digital landscape in the last year?

JB: Outcome Health's technology platform delivers impactful content at every milestone of the point of care experience. In the last year, we identified that the time had come to define industry standards at the point-of-care. We’ve partnered with the industry’s most trusted leader in healthcare analytics to support our data and measurement analysis. BPA Worldwide now verifies our digital network and audits our campaigns. We are currently the only point of care company collaborating with Nielsen to measure patient and caregiver dwells times in waiting and exam rooms, traffic information per specialty, demographic information and more. These third-party relationships bring more rigor around the data we communicate to our customers, to ensure we maintain the highest standards of measurement and performance with every stakeholder.

Q: What can we look forward to from your organization this year?

JB: In the next year, Outcome Health and the entire point of care space will see a greater focus on quality content. The point of care is arguably the most emotionally charged and vulnerable touch point of the patient journey. Therefore, we need to do more than simply providing patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals with access to information. We need to commit to putting ourselves in their position and understanding everything they might need in these critical moments. For some, it might be information about new treatment options. But for others, especially those with a serious condition, they might just want a distraction from the day-to-day of their disease. We are working hard to ensure that our platform facilitates “outcomes” unique to each individual, whether it’s a resource to support their treatment, a little bit of relief during an emotional time, or even content to make them laugh and put them at ease. When it comes to healthcare, we’ve all been there as patients ourselves or supporting a loved one’s health journey, and our team is tirelessly working to transform the point of care experience for all.

Q: You’re planning a “Change the World” dinner party and you can invite anyone (living, dead or fictional). Who are three people on your list?

JB: Ellen Degeneres, Beto O’Rourke, Captain Planet

Q: In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?

JB: People will be nostalgic for shared simple moments, like making small-talk with the grocery store cashier or asking a stranger for directions. These moments are brief, yet they can make such an impact on your day, and I fear they are becoming fewer and farther between. I surely hope I’m wrong though because I love these human-to-human interactions!

Q: Tell us what you hope to see more of or experience more of in the next year, using only emojis.

JB: 💃🏃‍♀️🚴‍♀️♻️💕🍕🌎✌️



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