david-chitel NGL Collective
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Champion for Good: NGL Collective - David Chitel

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david-chitel NGL Collective

David Chitel is the CEO and founder of NGL Collective, a media production company specializing in connecting advertisers to New Generation Latinos (NGLs) though video. David has been instrumental in aiding our High School Equivalency campaign and we couldn't be more excited to name him our latest Champion for Good! Get to know him below.

Question: How have you worked with the Ad Council? What campaign(s) have you supported and what was the project you worked on with us?

David Chitel: This year my company NGL Collective, had the opportunity to collaborate with the Ad Council and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation (FinishYourDiploma.org) on a campaign focused on helping more people in the Latino community obtain their high school equivalency diplomas. NGL was tasked with producing content, commercials, social media vignettes, out of home and digital assets.

Q: Social good ads pull at our heartstrings. What social good ad has made you cry or stand up and cheer?

DC: If I can indulge in some shameless self promotion, the campaign we just completed with the Ad Council and FinishYourDiploma.org was an extremely gratifying and heartwarming experience for me and my team to partake in. Not only did the work turn out great, but we really got to know the featured subjects in the spots and understand their amazing personal journeys firsthand. We even featured some of them at one of our live events alongside members of the Ad Council to bring their stories further to life together. (see below)

Jessica :60 | High School Equivalency | Ad Council

Q: How do you or your team integrate social good into your work, or how do you think your brand is making the world a better place?

DC: NGL’s mission is to shine a positive light on our community and bring Latino stories to life that may not have otherwise been told. In addition to the work we do with brands, NGL Studios specializes in creating award-winning critically acclaimed documentaries such as ‘Raul Julia – The World’s A Stage’ and ‘John Leguizamo’s Road To Brodway,’ both of which aired on PBS under their American Masters and Great Performances umbrellas respectively.

NGL's mission is to shine a positive light on our community and bring Latino stories to life that may not have otherwise been told.
David Chitel

Q: What was the greatest piece of advice someone gave you, and how did it end up helping you?

DC: The greatest piece of advice came to me in the form of a U2 lyric written by Bono in a song called ‘Moment of Surrender.’  The lyric is “Vision Over Visibility” which to me represents the power of relentlessly believing in yourself and your vision regardless of whether or the road in front of you is clear or straight.  It means so much to me that I tattooed it on my wrist so I can look easily look at it as a reminder of my life path.

Q: What age would you want to meet up with your former self, and what advice would you give to that younger you?

DC: I’d probably tell my 30-something year old self to hug his loved ones even harder, as you never know what’s around the next corner in life. I’d also tell him to maybe get out from behind his laptop and enjoy the present a bit more. I still need to remind myself of that from time to time come to think of it.

Q: What value(s) of your organization are you most proud of?

DC: I’m most proud of NGL’s authenticity as a leading independent New Generation Latino media and entertainment company who knows our WHY and has a genuine mission to positively represent our industry and our community.

Q: What can we look forward to from your organization this year?

DC: Lots of big announcements coming from NGL on both the original content front (we’ve got a few super secret projects in the works), as well as partnerships with major premium IP that I’m also not yet able to announce. How’s that for a cryptic yet tantalizing response? ;-)

Q: You’re planning a “Change the World” dinner party and you can invite anyone (living, dead or fictional). Who are three people on your list?

DC: Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr. Sorry, I know it’s four people, but I’d need the entire U2 band in order to complete my mission of changing the world. In all honesty, Larry probably wouldn’t come and say he’d leave it to the other three members of the band to see it through, but it’d be worth a try.

Q: In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?

DC: Less tech, more talk. Put down your phones people! Human interaction is so underrated these days.

Less tech, more talk. Put down your phones people! Human interaction is so underrated these days.
David Chitel

Q: Tell us what you hope to see more of or experience more of in the next year, using only emojis.

DC: ✌️😍🤑😎


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